Create an Ad

How does it work?

It couldn't be simpler:
  1. Compose. Use this form to compose, preview, and submit your ad.

  2. Check your email a little later. If the ad meets our guidelines (see below), we will email you back with a confirmation email.

  3. Activate your ad. Use the link in the confirmation email to activate, renew, or cancel your ad.

    Your ad will appear 100 times on randomly selected pages related to the categories you select.

    After 100 appearances have been made, you will receive an email that shows where your ad appeared, how many clicks it got, and who saw it. There is a link you can use to pay for additional appearances, or try a different free ad.

Design an ad


  • Ads must include your contact information so customers will know how to reach you.
  • New York City area interest only.
  • No spam, no multilevel marketing (MLM) or affiliates, and no SEO, link farms or third parties. This includes ads that just link to another search engine or similar site.
  • Nothing negative, offensive, political, or controversial
  • Please, no ALL CAPS, ascii art or other stuff - just plain text
  • You accept responsibility for and are authorized to post what you're posting.
  • Ads may be approved, rejected, or removed for any reason and without notice.
  • This service may be discontinued at any time without notice.

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